Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Detox Day 9

Well, coming close to the end of this detox. I have to say that it has not been bad. I am enjoying the diet, the food I make is wonderful, I feel better, I feel like my portion control is under control, I feel like I know better what to eat, all in all life is better. We went to a movie on day 9. Instead of the usual popcorn which we love to have, we went to the store and got a bag of peanuts. Still had the salt, still had the crunch and still had to reach from something to nibble on. They had all the rhythms of eating popcorn (which I heard called razorblades to the colon) but were a healthier choice (and if you ask me, $2.99 for a bag of those compared to $6 for a bucket of popcorn with questionable butter on it, I will take the peanuts).

I guess what I have found out over this whole experience is that it is really easy to eat well. It also does not have to cost a lot to enjoy the foods you make. I have learned that EVERY meal needs to have PCF (proteins, carbs, fat). Yes, shock to me FAT! Even in my morning smoothie I am adding some kind of fat (a good fat like EVOO, Flax Seed Oil, etc.). That is what is making a balanced diet. Anyhow, it is my morning of Day 10, the final and last day of the detox. While I did dream of eating whipped cream and other things last night, I will not be spending today doing that. Tomorrow, maybe! Here is what I ate on Day 9...

9:00am....... Probiotic Pill, First Cleanse Pill 1

9:50am ........ Whey Protein Isolate shake w/ ½ banana, 3 strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, ½ TBSP Flax Seed Oil and 8oz water.

1:05pm....... 2 cups vegetarian chili (red kidney beans, Cannellini Beans, rotell, organic vegetarian chili seasoning, onion, green peppers, Anaheim pepper, V8 juice)

1:40pm........ Chicken and apple sausages (2)

6:15pm........ pork tenderloin (grilled), green beans with garlic and EVOO, romaine and spinach salad with ½ avocado, ½ tomato homemade honey mustard dressing

7:45pm....... First Cleanse Pill II

8:30pm....... Organic pomegranate and ginger drink

9:40pm....... Lara Bar

During movie... ¼ pound peanuts (salted and roasted)

I drank about 80oz of water today.

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