Monday, May 11, 2009

Detox Day 1

While it feels no different than most mornings, there is a linger in the air of change. I am quite excited over the change and to bring my nutrition up a notch. Last year I had decided to go raw for a full 30 days. It was amazing. I felt so much better and had so much more energy not to mention that I lost 30lbs of crap off my body. Raw eating is nothing I could do every day and neither is vegan or any other excessive practice, but we met with the nutritionist at Whole Foods for the purpose of becoming more educated and working to bring our nutrition to the next level.

While I look at product ingredients and try not to eat fast food and make "better" choices on what we are eating, I feel that I can be more educated on the subject and you know KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! So I talked Walter into meeting with Carly (the nutritionist) and finding out how to get started. At the time I made the appointment, I had no clue that I would be working at Whole Foods alongside Carly but it is nice to have a reminder everyday at work now.

So here is what she is wanting us to do for a detox for 10 days.
NO Dairy
NO Soy
NO Gluten
NO Grains
NO Sugar
CUT my coffee intake by half

When I first saw these demands I was like, what? The first thing I asked was about soy...Walter and I eat tofu from time to time and just switched to a soy creamer for our coffee as a healthier alternative to CoffeeMate. Carly explained that fermented soy is ok (think Miso Soup) but once it is processed so much to make these other things that it loses the nutrition, plus, it is only 10 days.

We got our consultation with the diet/lifestyle change last Wednesday and decided to wait it out and start the cleanse today. So here we are. I will probably update my food diary here by the end of tonight, but here is the start of it. This is something we have to email to Carly daily for the first 5 days of our cleanse so she can ream us if we are doing something wrong. Her instructions, "You bite it, you write it!" Wish me luck!

Food Journal

May 11, 2009

8:20am Probiotic Pill

First Cleanse Pill 1

8:50am Gym

9:20am 20oz water

10am Whey Protein Isolate shake w/ ½ banana, 2 strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, handful of peanuts and 8oz water.

10:30am Yardwork

1pm Grilled Salmon (palm sized), romaine and spinach salad with grated carrots and ½ avocado with EVOO and balsamic vinegar. 20oz of water.

3pm Starting to get fatigued

3:20pm Carrot sticks (about 2 large carrots) and hummus (WF plain hummus), 20oz water

6:30pm Boneless/skinless chicken breast (baked, lightly seasoned), fresh miso soup with shrimp and broccoli, 30oz water

8:20pm First Cleanse Pill II

10:30pm Banana, 20 oz water.

Throughout the day I drank a total of 115oz of water.

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