Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Detox Day 3

Ok, so here I am at the end of day 3. It really has not been bad. The explosive ass did not return today. I am peeing constantly due to the 100oz of water I am supposed to drink everyday, but all in all, I sort of feel better, I have lost about 5 lbs in 3 days, and the food I am eating is really good and really healthy. I am wondering what tomorrow will bring. I hope that my system gets all flushed out.

While dairy and gluten are not major part of our diet, they are part of it and I think that I can get rid of them for the most part of everyday life. I think after this detox I will not fully give them up, but make a conscious choice to eat them less. As for the grains, I like the rice once in a while, but am not missing them too much. Sugars are not really temping me, but again, like the dairy and gluten, I won't cut them out, but consciously limit the intake of them. I do feel better but not sure if it is a mental thing, or an actual physical difference. I hope at the end of the 10 days I will feel a definite physical change.

Here is my daily food journal for today.
7:30am Probiotic Pill
First Cleanse Pill 1, 20oz water
8:30am Whey Protein Isolate shake w/ ½ banana, 3 strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, ½ TBSP EVOO and 8oz water.
12noon 2 – 1/4lb ground beef patties with garlic and onion, 2 slices tomatoes on romaine lettuce leaves with mustard and ketchup.
4:30pm Baked boneless skinless chicken breast, romaine salad with ½ avocado and EVOO and balsamic.
5:30pm First Cleanse Pill II
9:30pm carrot sticks and nut-butter, water

I drank 110oz water today.

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