Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Life as an Adventure

Today while at work I had two fairly random yet similar things happen. While talking to a co-worker she looked a little down. I asked if she was ok and she said she was having a bum day. I told her we all have those from time to time. She asked if I ever did because I am always happy. I told her I sure as hell did, but she just was never around to see them, but in general I am happy. Later on I was talking to a woman while bagging her groceries. I asked how she was. She said good. She in turn asked how I was and I said I was "fantastic". She stopped and looked at me and said she was stunned by my response; it was the best she had heard in a long time. I told her you have gotta make life fantastic everyday!

It got me to thinking. Do I make life fantastic every day? The answer is no. Why not!? I guess sometimes I am too lazy. Today was mostly great even though a few thing went wrong. I still got errands done, sat for a bit in a coffee shop, went to work, grocery shopped and made a great dinner and spent a few hours with Walter before he went to bed. Why do I not do this every day? Days like these make me happy. I enjoy them. I do not enjoy doing nothing all day and being couped up in the house.

The real question is am I going to change it. I took the first step in living a better life...moving. Now we live in a fabulous city that has more options I am interested in and it is a great start. The next step is simple yet hard sometimes....leaving the house to take advantage of those options. Just because I work does not mean I cannot get out earlier and go to the coffee shop, or on days I close go to the springs to enjoy the outdoors and water. I can go running or walking by the lake after work in the evenings. I don't have to watch TV, or do laundry if I don't want to. I can do that another time when I am bound to being home (you know like when I want to cook or something). This life is an adventure, the only problem is, you have to take the initiative to make it one. I don't want to be the person that is given the opportunity and I just stay in the car and look. Get me out and let me run around! Stop the car and lets explore!

I have to admit I am getting better and often trying, but some days I am not fantastic and it is harder to want to be out and about. I am lucky that I have a good life and awesome people who sometimes push me to take the adventure although I often think I am more the one pushing them into it!

Let's make the most of it. We only live once!
So eat monk fish.
Run a marathon (although you will never see me want to do that I don't think, but I will never say never).
Skinny dip at the lake/beach.
Fall in love.
Make each day AWESOME and unforgettable!
Stop judging others by their outside appearances but understand them for who they are, regardless of if you agree or not.
Listen to a different genre of music outside your comfort zone, not to enjoy it, but to understand it.
Take a walk in the rain WITHOUT an umbrella or raincoat.
Smile at people. You'll be surprised at how many people will genuinely smile back.
Fail at things. It is the only way to find out how to succeed and to be humble when you do have success.
Do what you are good at. Stop focusing on being better at things you are not naturally good at. Excel at those things that come to you naturally and let others excel in their areas of strength. Those are the strongest teams.
Eat cake. Who cares about the carbs or calories. Just eat it in moderation to enjoy and experience the flavors.
Walk around outside and open your senses. Hear the sounds. Smell the scents. See the beauty. If you lack one of those senses, then compensate and imagine it. If you have all those senses, be grateful.
Say "Thank you" and be sincere about it. Do it to the waiter who fills your water glass, the shop girl as you leave the shop, your sweetheart when they bring you an evening snack.

Nothing was a better read when I was a kid than the "Choose Your Own Adventure" series. Life IS a choose your own adventure. Make it the most exciting. Help others have the best they can too. It becomes a Win Win.