Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Tartan of My Life is Beautiful and Colorful

It is amazing to me how life truly is like a piece of fabric to where each experience, choice, decision, activity, job, or whatever it may be is woven into it and creates a beautiful design. I really am blessed that my life is making a beautiful tartan of my existence.

I was talking to people at work today and recounting portions of my past and still am amazed at all I have accomplished in my lifetime so far. It is not full of grandiose accomplishments, but of small experiences with the occasional accomplishment added in. I am proud of all that I have done and, while some would find certain things I have done in my lifetime shameful, significant, wonderful, or dull, I find that those things are what made the most beautiful designs in making me what I am today.

Some say that pride is a bad thing. If that is so, then I am full of bad things! I am so proud of who I am, what I do, what I have learned from good and bad experiences. I am proud of the way I treat people, the truth I live my life by and the honesty I speak when I speak from my heart. I am a passionate person. I cry. I love and I am loved. I am ever-changing. I am not one thing but many things. I care, but am selective about what and who I care about. I am strong and adventurous. I am weak and teachable. I love to learn, but not always from books or experts, but from life and the people who live it. I am well traveled. I know what I know because I want to know it. I am loyal. I am a friend, in every sense of the word, even though at times I can be self centered, I am there when needed. I am colorful.

Today I did look back at a bit of the tartan of my life and what I saw was beautiful and colorful, warming and comforting, exciting and bold. I cannot wait for more to be woven into it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved it! -S..Joi