Monday, June 15, 2009

I am turning into an Austinite!

The change was fast and somewhat surprising, but I think I have about 60%-70% changed into one. I should have figured it when I started growing a beard, or when I bought my first reusable bag from Whole Foods. Heck, it probably started when first moved here and attended the farmers market on a weekly basis. Maybe the change escalated when I started working at Whole Foods. Who really knows, but here I am, an almost fully changed West Coast guy into an Austinite!

I did not really think about it until the other day when I was at the grocery store and picking out fruit and vegetables. I figured I had plastic bags I had been reusing from the veggies bought over the past few weeks so did not put the stuff I was currently purchasing into new ones. I did not want to use more plastic than necessary. WTF! Did I actually just think that! Yup people. I really did. I am even keeping the plastic forks I use for my lunches at work and wash them to reuse! On top of that, I am making sure that I am recycling at home (even got on Walter for not throwing the junk mail into the recycle bin but into the trash instead).

I have not however started composting. I have not cut off a pair of jeans to wear in public. I have not bought a hybrid car. I do not bike to work either. So as you can see, I have not fully transformed yet.

I do find myself having tattoo envy really bad (since everyone has them here and very visible). I do feel the need to be more 'green' in a lot of my choices. I do have a beard (which Walter is not very fond of, but I am kind of liking it). The transformation has begun and been rapid in its advancement. I cannot say I mind it. I actually kind of like it. Better Earth, better me, better life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you Stephen! I am happy of what you are doing and I am glad I can share this time with you. I always knew you would fall in love with Austin as much as I have. We made the right decision by moving out here. The beard is growing on me too! Just keep it trimmed up! Love ya!