Sunday, January 18, 2009


So today Walter and I went to see the film Milk. I loved it. Not only did it remind me that if you really want something or want to change something, that perseverance and determination can do it, but it also made me thankful. I am thankful because it is the sacrifices and determination of people like Harvey Milk that help me to be an out gay man. I can go to work, to the store, to movies and not hide that Walter is my partner. I can be me and not have to hide in some closet because of the fear that I will lose my job or be beaten. While I still understand that these things still happen all over the country (which is sad) it is people from the 70's and 80's the paved the way to a less fearful life for homosexuals. I think we sometimes forget what others had to go through to get our freedoms. Fitting that this weekend is Martin Luther King holiday weekend. He is a man who, like Harvey Milk, made a change for his community. While he had his people in his best interest, he also wanted society as a whole to change for the better. Maybe if we all could start looking at society as a whole, and not just our "community" that we belong to, and make changes to better everyone, liberate everyone, free everyone to be who they are and not feel judged, this world could be a better place to live. Live more, fear less. That's just my feelings today.

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