Thursday, October 1, 2009

It is only human nature to want to be right....right?

So many issues have come up nationally, and personally where people I know have been "bashed" because of their beliefs. Need we mention the company I work for? ( response at ( . How about the Presidential Address to school kids ? What about the Oct 11th march on Washington for Gay Marriage Rights?

I was having a discussion with my friend about some of these things and we were mulling over the cause for all the craziness. I came up with the solution...People are innately opposed to being or feeling wrong. No matter what someones belief system entails, when someone else' has an opposing view or belief, people feel threatened. The do not want to feel wrong because they may believe so strongly in their foundation. If their foundation is questioned or proved to be wrong, people may feel like the world is crashing down and everything they believe in is wrong. I think that is the problem.

I wish everyone were more like me. I like to allow people to believe in what works for them. If it works for you, then awesome. If it is not working for you, then figure something out that will work for you. I love conversations with friends who have different views than I do. We can be in the healthy debate about issues, beliefs, views, etc. and respect the way each other thinks. I like this system because I still like them in the end. I often learn new things from them and can add or subtract from my own belief system. It also can give me something to intelligently think about. Those who know me know I question almost everything. I don't do it to stir the pot or cause problems, but to form my own opinions and views. Most of my college professors loved that. The majority of my high school teachers HATED when I did that. By being that way though, I feel like I am my own person, not a reproduction of others. I admit, I love to be right and try to prove my point, but as I get older and learn more about others, I am more accepting of their views and opinions, but more so if they can respect mine.

I love the phrase "we agree to disagree". That is so powerful when you think about it in this scenario. If we call can just agree that we will not think the same we could solve a lot of the world problems. I am not perfect at that by any means, but I am getting there. I learned that there are some people that you just cannot talk to openly and others that you just don't talk about some subjects. I've also realized that you should not stand by and keep your mouth shut when ignorance is spewing out from someones mouth. Maybe, just in an off chance, your speaking up can shed some light on others, not to think the same way, but to accept others way's of thinking.

I appreciate that I have friends that stand up for their views. I have straight friends marching on Washington to give support to equality. I have others going against the teachings of their religion on the same subject. I have some that became educated about the President's speech and actually watched it. I have customers, even still, asking me about the WSJ editorial piece, and what the big deal is and offering to read it and be more educated rather than listen to friends saying to just boycott Whole Foods. It gives me hope that there are still people out there that are open and intelligent enough to learn and form opinions for themselves. We should stop focusing on our need to be right, but make it a need to be happy with our beliefs and accepting of others, because what is good for me may not work as well for you...and I accept that, and love you anyway.


Wendy said...

Thanks, Stevie! You know that I agree with you on this one...and if I didn't, I know that you'd respect my opinion.....

Anonymous said...

When we grow up it is enevitable that we share or at least recognize the beliefs we grow up around.
They become so ingrained in our vision of ourselves that any "attack" on our beliefs is a personal one.
Not to say that I feel this way.
I have always allowed everyone their own opinion, even if it differs from my own.
Acceptance of others has a lot to do with the experiences throughout life.
We have had a great many, that is what makes us special :)