Friday, September 4, 2009

Theory On Angry People

So I was thinking today, because I had some extra time while bored at work, and I was wondering about people and their anger and the causes they chose to be angry about. I was reflecting on times when you see the ugly girl being rude and mean to the pretty waitress, the doltish student beating up the honors student, the outcast joining a terrorist group. There is something in common with all of them. They each have some insecurity that causes them to be angry and unleash their anger in a variety of ways.

Is it because they cannot find peace in themselves to stop the anger, or find that balance that says, "it is OK that they don't look like the models in the magazines", or "it is OK they their talents lye in fixing an engine rather than in physics". Is it shame and lack of self acceptance that causes the anger level to rise in the most unimportant situations?

Being a bit on the hefty side a lot of my life, then being athletic, then large, then thin, then fat, now heading back to the athletic side again, I understand how it feels to not be the right size, accepted all the time, to be different, to have my mom buy "HUSKY" jeans when I was a kid. I know what it is like to feel like an outsider (Try moving to St. George, UT in High School from So. California and most people thinking you are stuck up and a "rebel"). I understand, but maybe it is just my personality to go through it, learn a little something and move on. I can't ever say I have been truly angry to the point I had to hurt others by: protesting against their rights (think Civil Rights movement, Gay Marriage, the Fallwell cult), picketing places of business because of their stance on issues, boycott churches, businesses, institutions, TV stations or anything else because I don't believe in what they believe in.

I do however believe in forming your own opinions, but NEVER telling someone their "opinion" is wrong. If there is fact that can be proven and someone states it wrong, well then that is something else, but opinion and beliefs are totally different than fact.

I think that there would be a lot less angry people if they just were more self accepting and in turn be accepting of others and just let silly things roll off their backs. Live and let live, I believe is the saying, and how simple it is, but how hard is it to do for most.

That's just what I think about it though.

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