Monday, December 19, 2011

What Are My Core Values?

At work we focus a lot on our core values as a company. I shapes how we do business and forms our business practices. It got me thinking, what are my core values?

It does not seem like a hard question! But when you have to actually think of them and write them down it is a bit harder, so as I write this, I am thinking and forming my thoughts as to what my personal core values are.

1. Be accepting of everyone. It should to matter whether you agree with others morals, values, cultures, religions, etc., but to accept them as a human being with human feelings and emotions. Just because I am accepting of you does not mean I believe what you do, nor will always agree or sit back wile you do something I thinks wrong. On that note, I will not bash your choice to belong to a religion because if it works for you and makes you feel better then that's you. In return, don't think that it should work for me or others. I also will not bash your right to be monogamous, polyamorous, celibate, open relationshipped, asexual, etc. If it works for you and you are happy, then good for you, but again, don't go telling others they are wrong for having a relationship that works differently from yours. As humans we have the ability and right to define our personal relationships how we like to. We may make mistakes along the way, but as with any process, you have to try things to see if they work and improve. I also value education. Be educated in your decisions, choices, and dealings. No bad has ever come from people being knowledgeable.

2. Don't be toxic to others. It's one that I think is important. You affect people in so many ways on a moment to moment basis. A smile at a grocery store. A hello to a security guard. A good morning too coworker. These little interactions effect people. Make sure they're having a positive effect.

3. Be humble yet strong. Just because you are strong does not mean you need to be overbearing as well. A strong person is not one who walks over everyone to get what they want. A strong person should not be one that is feared. A strong person, to me, is one that can make good decisions that are well thought out and produce positive results. I strong person also can rely on others to bring a good balance. A strong person is humble and grateful also.

4. Don't change to please others or be accepted by them. Change to be a better you. Make changes that you find will improve your health, your spirit, your soul. If there is hate included in those changes, you may want to rethink the change you are making. This includes self hate and hatred of other persons or peoples.

5. keep learning. Learn what you are interested in. Keep doing it to keep your brain working and refreshed. Relish new thoughts.

I think that those are the core of everything. If I keep those going, the trickle down will have an effect on everything else in my life. Some of these, while I believe them completely, which is why they are a core value to me, I may struggle with. I am only human after all.

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