Thursday, July 22, 2010

Putting It Out To The Universe...Again

So last October, by the infinite wisdom of my best friend, I put out to the Universe, via my blog, what I exactly wanted from a job. Well, here I am again. This time with different intentions. This time, with a more healthier desire.

It is not a secret that I have not been the healthiest in the past many years. I can blame many things, but what it comes down to is me. Everything in the past the hindered me is fixed. The knowledge and resources are there so here I go. Putting it out there. Yes, here I am, picture and all posting to the world and limited blog readers (if any) that I plan to lose 60 pounds by this time next year. Twelve months. That is ONLY 5 POUNDS PER MONTH! Are you kidding me? That is nothing!!! Why have I not done this sooner. Here is a pic of me now.

Yes, there I am. A Wii Fit weight of 284.5 pounds. Taking this into account, I will only take the weight from my Wii Fit as valid since it will be a constant without variations like other scales can cause. I am sure I can lose the 60 pounds before 365 days are over, but that is the goal and weight I want to be at for years to come, so I think that one year is sufficed. I will do updates. To reach this goal I will start eating better and less. I already eat generally healthy, but I will start doing better than that. I will start working out and have the ambition to do it.

I plan to be around this size a few extra muscles...

Here I was healthy, active and feeling great.

So UNIVERSE! Here it is. My plan. My goal. My path to it. Hell, I even have pictures! Let's do this! And let's do it right! It worked with my job, it can work with this. I cannot promise I will be obedient 100% of the time, but I will work to get to my goal!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Embracing my new "Daddy" status

So to those of you not familiar with the term "daddy" other than the traditional, a "daddy", in gay culture, is an older masculine male. It is also defined as an older, dominating or agressive man with experience, and as an older man who chases younger men. This year I have been approached by younger men (some as young as 17). Lately I have been called "daddy" by some of those as well. While at first I took it bad. I do not think of myself as old. When I was in my 20's I used to chase after daddies. Then I took a look at that. When I was in my 20's, I used to chase after men in their upper 30's...OH MY GOD! I AM in my upper 30's now!

After that realization, I began to embrace my new status. I kind of had too since it seems more and more I am being refered to as "daddy". It is really funny though, because Walter is wondering if I am a daddy, what does that make him. I tease him and tell him he is my "boy". Only jokingly of course.

I am embracing this. Who would take offence to young, good looking guys telling you they think you are really hot, because of your age and looks. Hell, I much prefer that over the alternative...being an old "troll". I accept my new status and am thankful for it, because it could be a whole lot worse!